PHC GROUP employs highly qualified and experienced professionals from various fields of study. Specialists are both academically trained and experienced in business development and vast areas of public health including:
Program Development
Program Evaluation
Program Planning
Grant Proposal Writing/Review
Communicable Disease/Infection Prevention
Health Education
Public Health (Comprehensive)
Risk Behavior Reduction
Community Assessment/Diagnoses
Mental Health
Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Violence Prevention
Eating Disorders
Health Promotion
Women’s Health
Systematic Reviews
Social Marketing
Strategic Development
Our clients are confident in PHC GROUP’s ability to reach the desired audiences we propose to engage. Leveraging the expertise of certified professionals in their respective fields ensures efficacy and efficiency, and further supports our clients’ decision to incorporate and commission future PHC GROUP products and services. Clients remain confident in PHC GROUP's ability to support them in serving all audiences.
Prepare your employees for issues in public health using our team of certified training professionals. PHC GROUP offers superior training services. Our certified education specialists maintain current industry standards by adhering to guidelines set forth in their perspective continued education credentialing. Our business and training professionals meet with clients to discuss appropriateness and feasibility of services. Thorough needs assessments are conducted and collected to examine project scope and outline processes to ensure that we exceed our clients' expectations.